Sunday, December 30, 2007 in New Hampshire...

We arrived here in New Hampshire this morning at 11:20 a.m., about a half an hour early. Dr. McLauchlan and Brandon left to get the vans and the rest of us got a little more familiar with each other in the food court. One of the more prominent things I was nervous about was the fact that I really didn't know anyone on the trip all that well, but we had a lot of fun today and I can see that I had no reason to worry.

Once we got to the hotel we quickly checked in (after marveling at the snow, that is) and settled our things. We took a trip to Wal Mart, which amply reinforced the lovely wonder that is no sales tax, and stocked up on "toasty toes" and snack food. Other than that, we just had some dinner and now have the night to get prepared for the rest of this week. Tomorrow the real fun begins!

Okay, now down to business...

I first heard about Mike Huckabee around 8 months ago through my friend's blog. The post peaked my interest, so I clicked around online for more info. I liked what I saw, but I didn't really think he had a chance so I let it slide from my mind. Fast forward to learning about this trip a few months ago. With over a dozen candidates to pick from, I couldn't find anyone I identified with as much as Huckabee, so I decided to work for him anyway and enjoy the experience on a smaller campaign. Obviously, things have changed in the past two months.

Ultimately I like Mike Huckabee because he seems the most straightforward and open of all the candidates. Clearly, should I get the chance to meet him, I'll be able to gauge this in person, but for now I'm happy with what I've seen and read. He handles tough issues and questions with deft and skill; he isn't contrived. Out of all the Republican candidates, he is most attuned to the needs of middle class families. Click here to learn more about his policies and positions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like your having fun so far!
i'm glad your getting along with everyone.